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Block Graffiti

What is Block Graffiti?

Block Graffiti is a feature in the Ethereum network that allows validators to include custom messages in the blocks they propose. This graffiti is a short, customizable text string that is stored in the block header. While it does not affect the functionality or security of the blockchain, it can be used for various purposes, such as identification, branding, or simply adding a personal touch to the blocks a validator creates.

What Does Block Graffiti Do?

Block Graffiti serves as a way for validators to leave a unique mark on the blocks they validate. Common uses include:

  • Identification: Validators can use graffiti to identify their blocks easily.
  • Branding: Organizations or individuals can promote their services or messages.
  • Personal Messages: Validators can include any personal or meaningful text.


  • Character Limit: The graffiti field is limited to 32 characters.
  • Public Visibility: Since graffiti is stored in the block header, it is publicly visible and permanently recorded on the blockchain.
  • No Functional Impact: Block graffiti does not influence the blockchain's functionality or performance.

How to Set Block Graffiti in Stereum

By default, Stereum uses "" as the graffiti, but you can easily change this by following these steps:

  1. Access the Staking Page: Open your web browser and navigate to your Ethereum node's staking interface.
  2. Locate the "Change All Graffiti" Button: In the validator client command menu, find the button labeled "Change All Graffiti."
  3. Define Your Graffiti: The import button will be replaced with an input box. Enter a phrase with up to 32 characters that you want to use as your default block graffiti.
  4. Confirm Your Choice: Click the checkmark to save your new graffiti setting.


Using block graffiti can be a fun and useful way to personalize your participation in the Ethereum network. Whether for identification, branding, or personal messages, it adds a unique touch to the blocks you validate. Always ensure your graffiti text is appropriate and adheres to the character limit.