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Network Switch

Stereum Network Switch Guide

  1. Access the Node Page: Navigate to the "Node" page via the header on the Stereum interface.
  2. Navigate to Edit Node: Click on the button on the left side of the page to access the "Edit Node" section.
  3. Select Network Switch Option: In the same left panel on the "Edit Node" page, select the "Network Switch" option.
  4. Choose a Network: A modal will open where you can select which network to switch to.
  5. Confirm the Configuration: Press "Confirm" within the modal to confirm your network choice.
  6. Final Confirmation: Press "Confirm Changes" on the right to start the network switch process.
  7. Monitor the Switch: The switch process will begin, and navigation within the application will be disabled. Monitor the progress in the task manager located at the bottom left of the application. The process is complete when all the clients and services in the network configuration are restarted.
  8. Complete the Network Switch: Once the process completes, various resyncs for the Execution and Consensus clients, along with other configurations, might be necessary before your clients function as expected. Confirm that all settings have been adjusted and that the new network is fully operational.
  9. Verify Network Operations: Ensure all services are running smoothly and check for any initial errors in the logs. Congratulations, you have successfully switched networks in your Stereum setup!