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Node Update Guide

Comprehensive Update Process

Step 1: Compatibility Check

  • Read Release Notes: Before proceeding with updates, thoroughly read the release notes for Stereum's latest updates as well as those of any related services to ensure compatibility.

Step 2: Execute Update

  • Launch Stereum Updater: Start the Stereum Launcher, which will automatically check for and apply available updates.
  • Check Update Panel: Visit the Update Panel to look for updates for both the Stereum Node and its services.

Step 3: Validation of Update

  • Review Logs: After updating, inspect the logs for the Execution, Consensus, and Validator Clients to check for any issues.
  • Grafana Monitoring: Use Grafana to monitor the performance and stability of your node post-update.
  • Stereum Control Tab: Confirm the functionality of all systems via the Stereum control tab.

Step 4: Staking Node Key Monitoring

  • Verify Key Reloading:
    • Doppelgänger Detection: Ensure that your clients' doppelgänger detection systems are functioning to avoid penalties.
    • Key Count and Integrity: Confirm that the correct number of keys and the specific keys are reloaded and operational.
  • Ongoing Monitoring:
    • Using Stereum: Regularly monitor the staking tab in Stereum for key activity.
    • Third-Party Verification: Use a reliable third-party source like to ensure keys are performing correctly over the next few epochs.