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Lido x Obol - SDVTM Guide

Lido SDVTM Node Operator Setup

Part 1 - Node Installation

  1. Download Stereum: Visit or the Stereum GitHub repository to download Stereum’s latest release.
  2. Launch Stereum: Open the Stereum Launcher by clicking on its icon.
  3. Log into Your Server: Enter your credentials to log in.
  4. Select Installation Option: Choose the "One Click Installation" option.
  5. Choose Network: Select the "Holesky" network from the available options.
  6. Select Preset: Click on the preset icon that represents Lido OBOL-SDVTM and proceed to the next step.
  7. Customize Configuration: After selecting the Lido OBOL-SDVTM preset, Stereum will provide you with an optimal obligatory default configuration - however, if you want to make further customizations regarding client selection and installation path, you can do so freely.
  8. Review Configuration: Carefully review your node's installed configuration to ensure everything is correct.
  9. Begin Installation: Initiate the installation process.
  10. Installation Completion: The installation is finished once all core node components, excluding Obol & the Lido related components, are active. This can be verified in the task manager, located at the bottom left of the Stereum launcher. The tasks for "Listing Validators" & "Remote Validators" are expected to fail, because Obol Charon is not connected to the Validator Client yet.
  11. Check Logs: After installation, check the logs of the Execution, Consensus, and Validator Clients for any persistent errors or important messages. You can use the respective client "Log" command button in the Stereum Node Page to access the logs. A few minutes after startup, the logs should indicate that the node has begun syncing in the Consensus and/or Execution client.
  12. Wait for Node Synchronization: The node installation typically completes in a few minutes, at which point the sync process begins. This process is fully automated and requires no further input. Depending on your hardware, syncing can take several hours or more.

Part 2 - ENR Integration and Cluster Coordination

This part can completed without having a fully synced node.

  1. Navigate to Header: Click the Obol logo in the header.
  2. Generate ENR: Generate an ENR key pair, back up the private key with the modal when prompted, you will need this later.
  3. Cluster Config URL: You will be provided a web link to confirm your cluster config by Lido. Follow the Cluster Config URL and leave the Obol modal in Stereum open.
  4. Connect Wallet: Connect a Metamask compatible cryptocurrency wallet to the Obol Launchpad.
  5. Sign Messages: Sign the messages.
  6. Wait for Completion: Wait for all participants to also sign the message.

Part 3 - DKG Ceremony

  1. Coordinate with Participants: All participants must have signed; coordinate the DKG ceremony to occur simultaneously.
  2. Copy Commands: Copy the displayed command. Alternatively you can paste in the Cluster Config URL (this one also includes the cluster hash)
  3. Open Obol Modal: Return to Stereum and open the Obol Modal again, if it was closed. Select "Start the DKG".
  4. Execute Commands: Paste the command into the input and click "start".
  5. Monitor Logs: Check the displayed logs of the DKG service and wait until all participants are connected.
  6. Complete DKG: Click "DKG finished" once all participants are connected.
  7. Secure Backup: You will be prompted to select a path to save the backup. Choose a secure location. Verify that all expected files were saved, as this cannot be recovered.

Part 4 - Configuring the Lido Node Operator

  1. Activate Obol Charon Service: Now that the DKG is completed, ensure the Obol Charon service is turned on and its status is green.
  2. Monitor Logs: Check the Obol Charon service logs for any errors and monitor connected/non-connected peers.
  3. Access Staking Page: Go to the staking page in Stereum.
  4. Locate Keys: Find the keystore files like: keystore-0.json & their related password file like: keystore-0.txt in the validator_keys folder in your saved backup folder.
  5. Import Keys: Drag and drop the keystore JSON as well as the to the keystore related password file into the staking page. A public key should be displayed under "Insert Validator Key".
  6. Select Lodestar: Choose the Lodestar option in the interface.
  7. Import Validator: You will be prompted to enter a password, proceed by leaving the password field empty, as you have imported it with the .txt file.
  8. Slashing Protection Database: When prompted for importing a slashing protection database, select "no", then click "import".
  9. Wait for Import: Wait for the validator to be fully imported.
  10. Check Node Status: Ensure the status remains grey; access the node page to confirm all services are running.
  11. Configure Ejector Service: Access the settings page of the validator ejector service.
  12. Edit Settings: Update your Staking Module ID & Operator ID. Click "Confirm & Restart".
  13. Verify Changes: Reopen the settings page of the validator ejector service, enter Expert Mode, and verify the edits were applied.
  14. Completion: Congratulations, you are now a Lido x Obol Node Operator.

Node Migration